
Lucifer Says, "Tell Me, What is it You Desire?" A Succesful Spell to Business

  What Career Insight I learned from watching Lucifer Disclaimer: Before we start,  this is not a religious article. L ucifer is not just the Devil; but a savvy businessman. After binge-watching three seasons of the show, I’m beginning to grasp  his strategy . He has a knack for  probing his targets about their deepest desires,  a unique ability he wields  effortlessly . When he descended to Earth, he started with nothing. But somehow, within just five years , he skyrocketed to the top; he owns the Lux nightclub, a fancy car, and a bunch of cash stacks in his pocket. We never see him worry about money at the show. There might be valuable lessons from his rapid rise that could help us be wealthy within the same timeframe. Let’s see into them. Whatever You Desire, I Can Give it to You Let’s start with the obvious one — the basis of all it is in life. It’s all about trade. Think about it: when you engage with someone, whether for information, companionship, or only to stave off loneliness

Life, You’re the Love of My Life. Read Your Gratitude Love Letter

  Sunday meditation episode #3.  Click here for #2 This is your love letter to your Life: Life, you allow me to do the things I love You provide me with a beautiful present & future You let me appreciate everything around me You support me with a job that nurtures my talent and passion You have given me a place to call home Now, I am deeply happy with everything I have & experience The more I  focus  on what I love the more I get more of them   I am savouring everything I am enough & lovable I am right here right now where I want to be I’ve found where I belong I’m around the people I love Everyone loves me & I love them I understand that  growth in life  comes from  overcoming  obstacles   I love overcoming the challenges associated with my passion. I am grateful that I have grown from overcoming them I have raised my values by overcoming my obstacles I love sharing my growth to help others “In the past two decades,  a growing body of evidence  in the field of social s

Tell Yourself: “I Am Worthy”

  Train your brain to more wealth and opportunities “80% of your financial success comes from this: Your worth changes your reality.” — Marisa Peer Practise these phrases every day will help you to see yourself differently: I am worthy of wealth I am worthy of riches I am worthy of love and respect I am attracting wealth I deserve everything good I deserve to have everything that I want I’ve got enough money to go around I provide value to people around me and that is wealth coming back to me I have talents and I monetise them I understand that wealth is a feeling. I’ve got so much of everything I’m feeling wealthy I am very grateful for what I have Focus on the feeling of being wealthy. Repeat until you feel like it’s who you are . That being wealthy is you. “70% of lottery winners are bankrupt in 3 years because they never felt like they were worthy.” — Marisa Peer Follow me to hear more affirmations and stories. Resource: Thank you

Internet Fights with Rude Strangers — How to Win Over the Situation?

  They're just kids with nothing more productive to do. Let's not turn into one of them. Not gonna lie.  These kinds of situations get me almost every single time. It makes me either want to throw away my phone out of the balcony or teleport wherever they are and choke them to death. I like to argue in the social media comment sections, but sometimes people can come off too strong and straight-out rude due to differences in intelligence, education levels, or maybe some anger issues .  They only want to win and feel the satisfaction . But that is not how you win an argument. Profanity and even threats to others are not the road we should take.  Sometimes we have to take the high road . I mean, the perpetuation of violence is never-ending. I mean, how destructive can one become?   If you become the bad guy yourself, you won’t win either. "But don’t you believe we should teach them some lessons? Especially when they are way over their heads and need a major ego check?"